Our Technology in Omaha & Elkhorn

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See More, Know More with Innovative Eye Technology

We want to offer our patients an interactive experience during an eye exam at our practice. This means including technology that allows us to thoroughly examine your vision while also explaining what each does and why it’s important. We are happy to answer any questions you may have along the way.

Technology plays a big role in eye care. We are always looking to evolve our techniques and are excited to walk you through every step of your appointment. We love technology that provides faster exams with clearer results and no dilation.

Visit us for comprehensive eye care services.

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Devices to Help with Early Detection

Technology plays a key role during our exam process. This technology helps us detect conditions such as dry eye, cataracts, or glaucoma in their early stages. Innovative medical aesthetic technology addresses concerns like fine lines and other signs of aging.

Innovative diagnostics can help us detect vision problems and conditions earlier and more accurately, allowing us to craft a more effective treatment option specific to your needs.

Explore Our Technology

We back our comprehensive eye exams with technology to examine and identify different parts of your vision and assist us in understanding your eye health.

We are happy to walk you through each device we introduce during our comprehensive eye exams, how they work, what they are testing, and the results they produce. We encourage questions and education about our technology.

We often use the Optos widefield imaging system, the ZEISS OCT, the Lumenis Antares meibography and topography, the FDT visual field testing, and the OptiLIGHT and OptiPLUS by Lumenis.

Optos Widefield Imaging

Optos widefield imaging is an advanced eye care imaging system that captures up to 82% of the retina in one image. These high-resolution images help detect eye diseases more easily and earlier than other methods, without pupil dilation.

Optos helps us diagnose retinal conditions such as diabetic retinopathy.

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a noninvasive imaging technique that uses light reflection to generate detailed images of the eye’s interior and retina at the back of the eye.

It creates high-resolution cross-sections of the retinal layers, allowing us to more precisely diagnose and manage eye diseases like glaucoma and macular degeneration.

We use ZEISS OCT for its accuracy, reliability, and effectiveness

The Lumenis Antares helps us diagnose and manage dry eye with real-time observations. Antares visualizes the oil glands in the eyelids, which play an important role in dry eye care.

The Antares system provides detailed information about the corneal surface and tear film layers, helping us understand what’s causing your dry eye and design a personalized treatment plan.

Your visual field is the total area that you can see when your eyes are fixed on a single point, including peripheral vision. Frequency doubling technology (FDT) visual field testing helps us determine if you have vision loss across this field of vision. Vision loss can indicate eye diseases like glaucoma.

OptiPLUS by Lumenis is an innovative tool for managing dry eye, especially in cases caused by meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). MGD occurs when dysfunction with the meibomian glands, small oil-producing glands along the eyelids, causes insufficient or poor-quality oil, leading to dryness and eye irritation.

OptiPLUS is an FDA-cleared, noninvasive therapy that uses radiofrequency to improve dry eye symptoms. It gently warms the affected area, stimulating the glands and increasing blood circulation and gland function.

OptiLIGHT by Lumenis for Dry Eye

OptiLIGHT by Lumenis is a light-based, noninvasive treatment done in the area below the eyes to manage dry eye. The first and only IPL FDA-approved for dry eye management.

The treatment is safe, gentle, and is backed by more than 20 clinical studies.

OptiLIGHT uses precise pulses of light to reduce the inflammation that is typically associated with dry eye disease, improve tear break-up time, and increase meibomian gland functionality.

Our Medical Aesthetics Technology

Love the skin you’re in—with our help. We offer solutions for wrinkles, sun damage, veins, and unwanted body hair on your face, neck, arms, and legs to reveal your natural beauty.

Intense Pulsed Light Therapy (IPL)

Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy is a noninvasive treatment that uses light energy to address various skin concerns. It works by targeting specific chromophores (light-absorbing molecules) in the skin to help:

  • Fade age spots and sun damage
  • Reduce the appearance of spider veins
  • Smooth wrinkles and firm the skin
  • Remove unwanted hair

OptiPLUS by Lumenis uses dual-frequency RF for facial sculpting and body contouring. This FDA-cleared technology delivers targeted heat to different tissue depths, promoting visible improvements in your skin’s appearance by stimulating collagen production.

It can be used on your face, neck, abs, hips, thighs, legs, and underarms for improved elasticity and refined contours.

See Your Vision in Depth

Our technology is integral to eye care. We want you to understand your vision and skin health, and we will answer your questions and walk you through all our processes during your exam.

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Visit Our Locations

Center St

  • 16949 Lakeside Hills Plaza, Suite 101
  • Omaha, NE 68130
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Maple St

  • 18924 Evans St, Suite 104
  • Elkhorn, NE 68022
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